The trial (and maybe tribulation) of a simple sheep farmer trying out cell grazing in a field that lots of people can see. I know very little but what I do know is that cell grazing has the potential to increase my grass yield by at least 50% and may be even double it. My rent is around 30% of my cash output from my sheep enterprise ... if I can double the output, effectively halving the cost, its a significant step forward. Its worth a try!

Sunday 22 May 2011

Don't Panic ...

First weighing 2 weeks after starting the block grazing and the average weight gain is .... minus 0.03kg per day.  The target would be ideally a gain of 300g per day .... and I'm managing to lose 30g.  This time they did have to wait to get weighed and you wonder how much gut fill effected the result.
Yet I worry - maybe they are a bit more stressed contained in a small block surrounded by electric.  Maybe having to eat everything rather than preferentially graze at their leisure means their nutritional intake is well down and poor gains are going to be the payment for a better sward.
The Mules need to grow quickly so I can sell them as big fat gimmers in September.  I’m nervous but not going to surrender just yet.  In the words of Jon Bon Jovi - Keep the Faith!

1 comment:

  1. My advice is give up now, it doesn't work with sheep. Tried what we called paddock grazing years ago and gave up before it ended in divorce. I thought you were perfecting Easi care not making work sheep.
